Sunday, May 10, 2015


Hello fellow Simmers! I've been a Sims player for about 14 years or so now, but I've never blogged about it. I didn't think I'd enjoy Sims 4 when it first came out, but finally decided to give it a try. I'm liking it a lot more than I thought I would, even if I don't have the level of customization that I had in Sims 3.

I decided I'd like to start doing some of the challenges out there for the Sims. I did a few back in my Sims 2 days, but again, never blogged about it or anything.

I'm starting out with the I'm Surrounded By Idiots (ISBI) challenge. Let's jump right in, shall we?

This is Lindsey Barnett. She has dreams of being a Master Mixologist one day and is a Foodie. She also takes pride in her work, so she's a Neat Sim, and something of a Perfectionist. She's settled into the neighborhood of Oasis Springs.

 After spending most of her savings on a little house, Lindsey lost no time in finding a job. She's starting out as the low man on the totem pole as an Assistant Dishwasher, but she's hopeful that she can move up the ranks quickly.
 Since funds are low, Lindsey made a simple salad for lunch. She was pretty pleased with how it turned out though, and promptly took photos of her culinary creation to share with her friends.

 After lunch, Lindsey ventured over to the library in Willow Creek. She introduced herself to Parker Rodgers in the hopes of making a new friend. However, Parker turned out to be a Gloomy person, and Lindsey prefers to surround herself with more cheerful people.
 Brad Douglass fit the Cheerful bill, but he didn't seem very interested in chatting.
 Lindsey spent a little time reading a cookbook. She can't wait to try out some of the new recipes she learned!
 It was a beautiful day, so Lindsey thought she'd find some people to chat with at the Desert Bloom park back in Oasis Springs. She grilled up some hot dogs in the hopes of bonding with some neighbors over a meal.

 Jovan Beebe introduced himself to Lindsey, but it turns out he's a Gloomy fellow as well, and they didn't hit it off very well.
 Vernon Huntley made his introductions as well, but Lindsey quickly learned that he's Insane. What sort of neighborhood has she moved into?
 She tried her hand at fishing for a bit. She managed to catch one perch, but the other fish just weren't biting.
 Finally, someone else to share her meal with! Or not. Cassandra Goth just sat next to Lindsey silently for a bit.
 What a bore!

 Lindsey ended her day by making a drink at the park bar. Not a bad way to end her first day.
 The next morning, Lindsey cooked up her perch into some fish tacos for breakfast. A little unconventional, but still delicious!

Before work, she headed over to the park again to see who else she might meet. She was really hitting it off with Don Grootonk, but had to head home to shower before her first work shift.

Lindsey's first day at work didn't go as smoothly as she could have hoped. Dishes were piling up, and in an effort to catch up, she overloaded the dishwasher. Unfortunately, the dishwasher broke, so she had to wash everything by hand. She came home from work tense and a bit depressed. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

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