Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Oops. Haven't had as much time to play/write since my summer semester of school started. Let's see here....

 I broke the rules a bit and switched to Shawn's household so that he could propose. I did this because I wanted the family to move to this house, not remembering that I could just switch them here with the moving menu you get after a wedding.

Speaking of wedding, I think it's adorable that they were feeding cake to each other!
Elaina lost no time redecorating the house. Must have given Shawn's mother, Sarah, a heart attack or something because she died not long after. 

Elaina thought that telling Shawn she was pregnant would be a good way to cheer him up...turns out, he doesn't like children, so his reaction was NOT what she was hoping for.
Didn't stop him from acting like a crazy man when the baby came! 

Elaina and Shawn had a baby boy, Dillon. My game started getting a little screwy, so the order of my screenshots is very messed up. To sum it up, Erich (Elaina's stepbrother that had been living in this household), Hollie, Teagan (Shawn's sister), and Stefan all died. Elaina and Shawn had several more children - Joshua, Kaylie, Stephan, and Elliot. Shawn passed away. Elaina found herself a new boyfriend, Lester Christman. They had two daughters, Chelsie and Bethany. Elaina and Lester passed away. I had chosen Chelsie as my next Torch Holder; Elaina died while Chelsie was still a teenager, so I got a little extra time to develop some skills with her. 

A couple of screenshots from all of this:

Sharing the big news with her son...I love the expression on his face because it reminds me so much of my own son.

Shawn is not amused at finding out they're having ANOTHER baby.

At this point, it was just Chelsie and Bethany living in the house. Chelsie decided they needed a change of scenery and moved them to Willow Creek.

Once Chelsie aged up to Young Adult, she wasted no time in proposing to Cash Ellison.

I had been keeping a graveyard of the headstones of everyone's that died (though I had to banish spirits because the ghosts were all becoming annoying). I had to move them all to the family inventory though, because Chelsie, Cash, and Bethany were all spending way too much time out there and were always walking around sad. 

Chelsie and Cash got married. My game glitched out a little here; while they are married, the progress bar for my event didn't register it, so they had a crappy wedding party.

Bethany aged up and moved out; Chelsie and Cash wasted no time in getting started on the baby making!

Their first child is a son, Henry. They quickly had another, a baby girl named Jamie. Sadly, Jamie was neglected for too long while Chelsie was working on a string of novels (She wants to be a bestselling author) and Jamie was taken away.

Chelsie didn't let her sadness prevent her from getting pregnant again right away, though!

Henry, meanwhile, is so cool he needs shades even while he's sleeping. 

So, that's where I am now. I think I'm going to be starting to assign some of the more...ah, colorful traits to kids to make things a little more interesting. I will say though, Henry's the first kid I've given the genius trait to, and he's the first one that has done his homework autonomously. Go Henry!

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