Saturday, March 17, 2018

Long time, no, new challenge!

Well, hello to anyone that stumbles upon this blog! It's been awhile. I was getting bored of the I'm Surrounded By Idiots challenge, so I went back to playing more of my usual play style. I have intentions of going back to the ISBI family at some point, but....

Another challenge caught my eye recently, known as Breeding Out the Ugly. There aren't a ton of clear cut rules I can find, other than:

1. Create an ugly Sim. Of course, looks are subjective, so you'll get lots of variations here, but the idea is to really play with Create A Sim and stretch and pinch everything you can.

2. Start breeding! I think the only rule here is that you cannot create a good looking Sim for this purpose. You could download one from the Gallery (at least one person has done this that I'm aware of, anyway), but generally, you want to work with what the game gives you.

3. If your founder has more than one child, pick the one that looks the most "normal" and continue on with them once they reach young adulthood, and so on and so forth down the line, until you get a Sim that has no more of the wacky genetics you started with.

Without further ado, meet Jazlyn Gruber!

Take it aaaalll in...

She's ready for her closeups...

Now, I started with parents for Jazlyn and played with genetics to create her, just to see what else might get thrown into her gene pool down the line. You don't have to do that, though. 

Jazlyn is a Foodie and while she aspires to be a Master Chef someday, she is currently working as a Food Critic. Her first work assignment was to write a column, but she had no money left after renovating her apartment, and didn't have enough for a computer. So, off to the Willow Creek Archive she went; figured it wouldn't hurt to meet some local hotties while she was at it. 

She tried her hardest to enchant these two gentlemen (I mean, she needs every advantage she can get, am I right?), but her efforts were for naught when she realized they were both married. She may be desperate, but she's no homewrecker!

After successfully writing her first column, she headed out to a local pub for a celebratory drink. It was Jazlyn's lucky day, as she met Akira and they hit it off pretty well....and he's single! Score one for Jazlyn!

She wasted no time inviting him back to her place so they could get to know each other better....he seems into it. 

Strut your stuff, him everything he's getting!

 After a work promotion, a coworker invited her out for drinks to celebrate. Jazlyn tried to work her magic on him, but he was not having it. His loss!

Jazlyn met Salim at the Spice Festival...turns out he's also her neighbor! She wasted no time putting the moves on him. He doesn't seem to be feeling it, but...

He didn't say no when Jazlyn planted one on him! Get it, girl!

However, Akira keeps coming around, and before you know it, Jazlyn discovers she's pregnant.

As she's sharing the good news, Akira doesn't seem too thrilled at first...

But the idea grows on him pretty quickly and he's actually pumped to be a daddy.

Jazlyn invited Akira to come to the hospital with her when it was time, and he did the whole pre parental panic thing outside, but then he just...vanished. Where's that enthusiasm now, buddy? I mean, Jazlyn's only getting laser beams shot at her, no big's fine...

Will Jazlyn try to tie the knot with Akira, or forge ahead as a single parent? Only time will tell...

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