Sunday, March 18, 2018

BOtU 2

Back again! Had a couple of hours to play after work last night, so let's see where that got us...

When we left Jazlyn, she had just given birth; she and Akira had a baby girl, whom she named Sarai.
A face only an unsuspecting baby could love.

Before Jazlyn can fully adjust to her new life as a mother, Salim is calling, wondering if Jazlyn would like to go on a date. This being a rare occurrence, Jazlyn readily agrees. 
She's sort of got the flattering selfie angle working for her....sort of.

Poor Jaz is so exhausted though, she promptly passes out in the middle of a bite to eat. 
Smooth, Jaz, real least she saved the food from destruction.
Akira comes to visit and doesn't seem bothered that Jazlyn has another male suitor. He wanders around the apartment for a bit before finally going back to meet his new daughter. 

It is NOT love at first sight.

He warms up quickly, however, and soon...

He's slinging bottles like a pro.

Since Akira had taken over baby duty for a bit, Jazlyn took the opportunity to get a little cozy with Salim. Maybe a little too cozy, because, whoops...
She's pregnant again. Jazlyn's not sure she's ready to do this again so soon, but Salim seems thrilled.

In no time at all, Sarai is a toddler.
Not too bad so far, but the true verdict will come when she becomes a teenager.

Jazlyn throws a small dinner party so her folks can meet Sarai and so she can share the news of her new pregnancy.

Meet Mama Regina...

And Papa Gerald.

Salim is having second thoughts about the family he's procreating's a bit late for that, pal.

Jazlyn steals a moment to spend some quiet time with Sarai while she can.

Akira keeps dropping in to visit Sarai, and he and Jazlyn do their best to co parent. Jazlyn is grateful for the help; caring for a toddler and growing a baby requires all hands on deck, and Akira is a welcome set of hands, because the nanny is all about the TV. Incidentally, both Akira and the nanny seem to have moved in...neither have left in awhile. 
Aaaaalllll about that TV.

Pregnancy is really not doing her hips any favors.

Go on and strut your stuff, Jaz.

Before you know it, it's time to head off to the hospital for round two.
Side note: when did a Sim going into labor produce a puddle on the floor? Has this always been a thing and I've just recently noticed? Either way, I find it hilarious. I am sometimes easily amused.

Salim initially comes to the hospital, but just like Akira, he soon disappears. What is with these guys? 

It's fine, Jazlyn's a pro at this now.

Jazlyn is stoked to meet her new baby girl...

But Camille doesn't seem to feel the same.

Seriously, doc, you're sending me away with her?

There's some sort of party going on in the hallway, apparently. A very boring party.

Camille seems to be warming up to her mama. Also, is it just me, or is her skin tone slightly different? Could just be the lighting.

What adventures await our girls? Until next time....

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