Monday, March 19, 2018

BOtU 3

Welcome back to another episode of Lifestyles of the Genetically Challenged! When we last saw Jazlyn, she had just given birth to a love child with her neighbor, Salim Benali. Poor Jazlyn has been utterly exhausted caring for a toddler while being pregnant, even with the help of a nanny and her elder daughter Sarai's daddy Akira Hibo, so how will she fare with a toddler and an infant? Let's find out!

Salim comes to visit, but he does not wander to eventually meet his daughter like Akira did. Jazlyn has to force him to acknowledge Camille's existence.

LOOK at what we've spawned! I said look!

Salim couldn't care less about the well being of his new daughter or his baby mama. His amorous adventures next door keep Jazlyn and the girls awake while they are trying to take desperately needed naps. Frustrated, Jazlyn angrily knocks on his door to ask him to keep it down a bit. 

Guess he's into a bit of role playing, as he comes out dressed in a maid's uniform. Jazlyn's not sure how she feels about this. I mean, he never asked her to dress up or anything...

After a quick shower, Jazlyn decides to take Sarai down to the park. Maybe she'll find a full time daddy for her girls, maybe she'll just have some bonding time with her eldest....who knows?

The park is full of teenagers, so bonding time it is!

After their park adventures, and needing some adult time, Jazlyn leaves the girls in the capable hands of the nanny and heads on down to Planet Honey Pop! for a drink or two. She meets a few studly men, though sadly, they all seem to be married already. But who's this blonde fellow? Before Jazlyn can chat him up properly, he runs for the hills heads off to places unknown.

Upon returning home...

Camille ages up to a toddler. She's kind of cute, though she's inherited her mother's skin tone and cheeks it looks like.

Suddenly, we are blessed with the appearance of a second nanny! Don't be fooled into thinking this means another set of hands to help Jazlyn with the toddlers, though; this one's obsessed with the TV, too. At least the girls are playing nearby.

Jazlyn takes the opportunity to call the new mystery man...
Though he agrees to stop by, Jazlyn looks like she already knows how this is going to go down.

He's also looking like he's regretting this already. 

Jazlyn tries to warm him up in the cozy confines of her bedroom, and while he appears to be getting in the mood, he dashes off again before Jaz can seal the deal.

Feeling lonely, Jaz invites Salim over, as clearly he is always DTW (Down to Woohoo). He does not disappoint, though he dashes off to Jazlyn's computer without even so much as a cuddle afterwards. No matter, Jazlyn has a sneaking suspicion, so she dashes off to the bathroom, and then to find Salim once her suspicion is confirmed...
Surprise! You knocked me up again!

I will try to look excited while secretly questioning my life decisions. Also, I beat your high score in Blicblock.

Exhausted by the day's events, Jazlyn crawls off to bed. Akira's been hanging out on the sidelines this whole time, and now Jaz discovers he's taken up residence in her bed. Do you realize what just happened in this bed, buddy? He either doesn't know or doesn't care. Jazlyn's too tired to care either, and crawls in with him. 

Salim wanders back and doesn't seem at all fazed to find his baby mama sleeping with her other baby daddy.

Should I be bothered by this?

Nah, you do you, boo. 

After a night of contemplation, Jazlyn decides her children need a more permanent daddy figure in their lives. Since Salim has knocked her up twice, he's the logical candidate. Jaz invites him back to the bedroom, and after buttering him up a bit, she pops the question.

What...what are you doing?
I can't say no, it's so shiny!

Wait, is it too late to say no?

Not wanting to give Salim a chance to change his mind, Jazlyn drags him down to Myshuno Meadows to tie the knot. She decides a private ceremony is good witnesses if he runs off it's more intimate, anyway.

Right where I want you, pretty boy.

Jazlyn's elated and can't wait to cook a good meal for her little family. 
May want to keep this knife handy in case Salim tries to run off...I're doing a fine job chopping those tomatoes; keep it up and you'll be a master chef in no time!

After dinner, Jazlyn tries to spend a little quality time with her girls, and ruins her dress in the process. Why she felt the need to rip through her dress, I've no clue.

She tries to put the girls down for bed, but the neighbors are having quite the shindig. Jazlyn tries to ask them to keep it down, but gets told off in the process.

It's my party and we can do what we want! Ok there, Miley.

It's...fine...who needs sleep, anyway?

Through all of the commotion of the day, Jazlyn completely forgot that it was Sarai's birthday! She's still looking fairly normal, but we'll see what happens when she becomes a teenager. Can't wait to see how her siblings fare, either. 

Who needs a cake and presents, anyway? 

How will Jazlyn and Salim adjust to married life? Which parent will Sarai and her siblings eventually take after? All this and more next time!

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